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As you may already know, cookies are small text files downloaded to your computer when you visit a website. The MEDesign website, like almost every other, uses cookies to give you a better online experience. We’ve changed the way our website works so that we can keep up to date with recent changes and developments in the law relating to cookies.
You can review the latest version of the MEDesign Cookie Policy here

Collapse all November 2022
Latest News

All requisitions for NHS Trusts, Ambulance Services and frontline care facilities continue to be processed and despatched within 24 hours of receiving orders from procurement or supplies departments. An extensive stock holding and our own UK based factory located here in Southport has meant that we have been able to service all orders for patient handling equipment without any delays - we are acutely aware that many intermediary suppliers to the NHS who source alternative products from overseas manufacturers continue to experience supply chain issues and are unable to fulfill urgent order requirements and maintain their usual service levels .
We Supply The NHS
There is strong demand for the complete range of MEDesign's Patient Handling Equipment inventory but of particular note is the ongoing requirement for MEDesign's Patient Slider product. We are delighted that many NHS procurement departments have now taken onboard the fact that both the quality and cost price of this British manufactured product offers a better value yet comparable alternative to significantly more expensive products that are imported into the UK from the other side of the world.

Elsewhere, as UK industry and commerce has reopened its doors we are seeing substantial orders from end user companies who need to provide for the needs of large parts of their workforce who are now working from home. With budgets slashed and the need to find a "one product fits all" solution for back pain whilst sitting and working at the dining room table, the long established pedigree of the MEDesign Backfriend has proved to be the ideal solution for those situations where a bespoke office chair (often costing many hundreds of pounds yet lacking any degree of portability to move from office to home and then back again) is no longer an option for cash strapped occupational therapy departments and HR managers who are tasked with ensuring compliance with an ergononic working environment for their remote workforce.

If you need our assistance and think any of our products would prove to be of value in your own situation then please get in touch and we will do our very best to help.

Collapse all April 2020
Latest News - NHS Covid Orders Update

27th April - The week started with further urgent NHS Covid 19 orders for quantities of our Patient Sliders. These orders were despatched with an overnight courier service, arriving at the NHS staging facility within 18 hours of leaving our factory warehouse.

20th April - Bulk order of MEDesign Patient Handling Slings for deployment on Ambulances in the UK NHS fleet have left the factory here in Southport today.

14th April -
Patient Sliders shipped out to NHS PTS Patient Transport Services based in Wales to facilitate the movement of patients between hospital and home.

9th April -
A repeat Covid order for MEDesign Patient Sliders was received this morning from NHS Procurement Services. This order was fast tracked through our production system to ensure it was available for despatch by our warehouse team this afternoon ensuring that possible delays caused by the bank holiday weekend do not delay final delivery to the clinicians and care teams.

8th April -
Following a telephone call received by our sales office this morning, we are proud to have been able to turn around an urgent NHS Covid order for a quantity of our MEDesign Patient Sliders for NHS South of England Procurement Services. Unfortunately the usual supply sources are currently unable to fulfill the immediate requirement quoting estimated lead times of at least 8 to 10 weeks. MEDesign has been able to complete the entire order ready for despatch within the factory working day and the consignment of product will be shipped from our warehouse tomorrow for immediate use by front line NHS clinicians and care teams.

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